Tuesday, May 26, 2020

जब कार्तिक आर्यन की दोनों रूमर्ड गर्लफ्रेंड ने पहनी एक जैसी ड्रेस, तो देखती रह गई पब्लिक May 26, 2020 at 07:26PM

बॉलीवुड में जब भी दो स्टारकिड्स की एंट्री होती है तो सबकी नजर उनकी एक्टिंग के साथ-साथ उनके ड्रेसिंग सेंस पर भी बनी रहती है। वो कब क्या पहनते हैं, कैसे अपने लुक्स को दूसरे से हटकर बनाते हैं, यहां तक कि की उन्हें लेटेस्ट ट्रेंड्स की जानकारी है भी या नहीं, हालांकि आजकल के सितारे भी अपने ड्रेसिंग सेंस को दूसरों से बेहतर बनाने के लिए लाखों रुपए खर्च करने से भी कतराते नहीं हैं। लेकिन इसके बाद भी उनके स्टाइलिस्ट कभी-कभार ऐसी कुछ गलतियां कर देते हैं जिसके कारण उन्हें लेने के देने पड़ जाते हैं। ऐसा ही कुछ हमें और के साथ देखने को मिला। सारा अली खान और अनन्या पांडे ने बॉलीवुड में अपने कदम कदम रखते ही इस बात को साबित कर दिया कि वो एक बेहतरीन अदाकारा ही नहीं बल्कि एक कमाल की फैशनिस्टा भी हैं। सारा अली खान जहां अपने एथनिक लुक्स से सभी को दीवाना बना रही हैं, तो वहीं अनन्या पांडे हर बार अपने बोल्ड एंड हॉट लुक्स से दूसरों को सोचने पर मजबूर कर देती हैं। लेकिन इसके बाद भी दोनों के स्टाइलिस्ट से एक छोटी सी चूक हो गई। जी हां, की दोनों रूमर्ड गर्लफ्रेंड यानी सारा अली खान और अनन्या पांडे दो अलग-अलग फिल्मों में एक जैसी ड्रेस को पहने नजर आईं। सारा अली खान अपनी लास्ट फिल्म ‘लव आज कल’ में सारा अली खान ने बैक टू बैक एक से बढ़कर एक ड्रेसेस को पहना है, जिसमें बॉयफ्रेंड जींस से लेकर ट्यूल ड्रेसेस और बॉडीकॉन ड्रेसेस तक शामिल है। अगर आपको याद हो तो सारा फिल्म के एक सीन में हॉल्टर नेकलाइन वाली रेड ड्रेस को पहने हुए दिखाई दी हैं। जिसके साथ Ruched up pattern के साथ एक Lace up pattern भी शामिल था। यही नहीं, सारा ने अपने लुक को कम्पलीट करने के लिए ब्लैक स्लिंग बैग को सिल्वर रिवेट्स के साथ स्टाइल किया। मिनिमल मेकअप, सॉफ्ट कर्ली हेयर्स और न्यूड लिप उनके इस लुक को काफी ग्लैम बना रहा था। अनन्या पांडे अनन्या पांडे ने सेम टू सेम इस ड्रेस को अपनी फिल्म ‘पति-पत्नी और वो’ में पहना था। सारा ने जहां इस ड्रेस को स्टाइलिश Stilettos के साथ स्टाइल किया था, वहीं अनन्या पांडे ने अपने लुक को मैचिंग रेड ग्लैडिएटर हील्स और एक स्नेक स्किन प्रिंटेड स्लिंग बैग के साथ पेअर किया। यही नहीं, अपने लुक को कवर-अप करने के लिए अनन्या ने इसे एक नेवी ब्लू ब्लेज़र के साथ स्टाइल किया। मिनिमल मेकअप, सिल्वर स्टेटमेंट ईयररिंग्स और साइड पार्टेड हेयर्स में अनन्या काफी ग्लैमरस लग रही थीं। दोनों अभिनेत्रियों ने हील्स से लेकर स्लिंग बैग तक, एक ही स्टाइल से खुद को ड्रेसअप किया। ऐसे में अब आप हमें बताइए कि आपको दोनों में से स्टाइल बेहतर लगा।

जब इमोशन्स एक्सप्रेस करने के लिए करिश्मा ने छोटी बहन करीना को दी थी यह बेहद खास अंगूठी May 26, 2020 at 06:29PM

इंडियन कल्चर में भी जूलरी को इमोशन्स जाहिर करने का एक बड़ा मीडियम माना जाता है, तभी तो शादी से लेकर बच्चे के जन्म लेने पर भी कोई न कोई जेवर जरूर दिया जाता है। करिश्मा कपूर ने भी एक बार इसी मीडियम के जरिए अपने इमोशन्स बहन करीना कपूर के साथ शेयर किए थे। इसके लिए तो उन्होंने बिना कुछ ज्यादा सोचे वह रिंग तक बहन को दे दी थी, जिससे खुद उनकी काफी यादें जुड़ी हुई थीं। दरअसल, यह पूरा किस्सा सैफ अली खान की बहन सोहा अली खान की शादी से जुड़ा हुआ है। सोहा की शादी और उससे जुड़े फंक्शन्स की तारीखों में करीना कपूर अपनी फिल्म से जुड़ी शूटिंग में भी जुटी थीं। एक ट्रू प्रफेशनल पर्सन की तरह बेबो ने काम के साथ समझौता नहीं किया। इसकी जगह उन्होंने अपने शेड्यूल को इस तरह से प्लान किया कि वह पहले शूटिंग निपटातीं और फिर सोहा के फंक्शन्स के लिए रेडी होकर उन्हें अटेंड करतीं। ऐसा करीना ने तब तक किया, जब तक सोहा की शादी नहीं हो गई। इन सभी फंक्शन्स में करिश्मा कपूर भी शरीक हुईं। यह अदाकारा भी अपने जमाने की बेहद प्रफेशनल ऐक्ट्रेसेस में से एक मानी जाती हैं। ऐसे में जब उन्होंने अपने बहन का प्रफेशनल व पर्सनल लाइफ के लिए डेडिकेशन देखा, तो वह खुश हो गईं। अपने इमोशन्स जाहिर करने के लिए करिश्मा ने बहन करीना को वह खानदानी अंगूठी तोहफे में दे दी, जो उन्हें अपनी शादी में दादी से मिली थी। यह गिफ्ट ऐसा था, जिसने शायद करिश्मा के पूरे इमोशन्स एक बार में ही बेबो के सामने जाहिर कर दिए होंगे।

जब आलिया भट्ट ने पहनी इतनी सस्ती ड्रेस, तो तरीफ करते नहीं थके फैंस May 26, 2020 at 06:27PM

बॉलीवुड एक्ट्रेस () अपनी लव लाइफ के अलावा अपने कमाल के ड्रेसिंग सेंस को लेकर भी चर्चा का विषय बनी रहती हैं। वो अक्सर ही कूल, कंफर्टेबल एंड स्टाइलिश कपड़ों में नजर आती हैं। अगर आलिया भट्ट के पुराने लुक्स पर एक नजर डालें तो प्रिंसेस बॉलगाउन, ट्यूल ड्रेसेस और चंकी सैंडल ने साल 2012 में आई उनकी पहली फिल्म ‘स्टूडेंट ऑफ़ द ईयर’ के दौरान खूब राज किया। यही नहीं 2016 में उसे organza ball gowns से लेकर bodycon dresses तक में उनके स्टाइल की झलक साफ देखने को मिली। हालांकि समय के साथ-साथ आलिया के ड्रेसिंग स्टाइल से लेकर उनके फैशन चॉइस में काफी बदलाव देखने को मिला है। वहीं अब लगता है कि अभिनेत्री महंगे-महंगे ब्रांड्स को छोड़ बस स्टाइल के पीछे भाग रही हैं, तभी तो आलिया ने एक इवेंट के लिए हजारों-लाखों की महंगी ड्रेस को छोड़ बेहद सस्ती ड्रेस पहनी। आप सभी को नेटफ्लिक्स इंडिया पर रिलीज़ हुई कियारा आडवाणी और आकांक्षा रंजन कपूर की वेब सीरीज गिल्टी तो याद ही होगी। जहां आलिया भट्ट अपनी बेस्टी का हौसला बढ़ाने पहुंची हुई थीं। इस इवेंट के लिए आलिया ने एक साधारण सी लैवेंडर रैप-अराउंड ड्रेस को पहना हुआ था। जिसकी कीमत केवल 5,000 रुपये है। यही नहीं मिनिमल मेकअप के साथ मिडिल पार्टेड हेयर्स और न्यूड लिपकलर के साथ-साथ येलो हिल्स में आलिया हर बार की तरह काफी सुंदर लग रही थीं। ड्रेस की खासियत... आलिया की पेस्टल लैवेंडर ड्रेस में वो सारी बातें थीं जो उसे खास बनाती हैं। समर फैशन के लिए लिनन फैब्रिक काफी अच्छा माना जाता है और पेस्टल लैवेंडर शेड इस समय दुनिया भर के फैशन पर अपना कब्जा जमाए हुए हैं। ऑउटफिट की सबसे अच्छी बात यह है कि इसके रैप-अराउंड को कवर करते हुए कमर से एक बेल्ट जोड़ी गई है जो इस ड्रेस स्टाइलिश लुक देने में कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ रही। इतना ही नहीं इस ड्रेस की कीमत केवल 4,990 है, जिसे एक आम फैशन क्वीन भी आसानी से खरीद सकती है। खैर, आलिया ने एक ऑफ-बीट ब्रांड को पहनकर इस बात को तो साबित कर दिया कि उनके लिए ब्रांडेड लेबल से बढ़कर स्टाइलिश लुक्स हैं, जो भले ही उन्हें मामूली और सस्ती कीमतों पर क्यों न ही मिल जाएं। वैसे आपको आलिया का यह स्टाइल कितना पसंद आया हमें जरूर बताएं।

The Irresistible Appeal Of A Yellow Dress

I first saw it at London Fashion Week. At JW Anderson’s spring ’20 show, among the Ziggy Stardust metallic suiting and corsetry with diamanté detailing, there it was: the perfect yellow dress. So pale in color it was almost margarine, the dress – an iridescent mohair-knit mini with spaghetti straps – made me feel nostalgic for a summer holiday I was yet to go on. Paired with wraparound sandals and a single drop-down earring, the dress spoke for itself. It was the epitome of a throw-on-and-go piece that demands nothing but gives everything. I’ve fallen hard for many a dress in my time, but something about that effervescent yellow percolated in my mind all weekend. 

It was just the beginning, though: as the season wore on, yellow dresses kept popping up, like daffodils blooming in spring. At Preen by Thornton Bregazzi, an ethereal cloud of sherbet lemon organza; at Richard Quinn, a gargantuan buttercup rosette. Supriya Lele gave us a cat’s cradle of sheer saffron, while Christopher Kane’s acidic gown hinted at danger. Emilia Wickstead presented sophisticated pale sunlight and bold, banana-flavored Angel Delight, and Molly Goddard served up yet more frothy semolina shades. As London Fashion Week drew to a close, there was no denying the serotonin-boosting appeal of the yellow dress – but that hasn’t always been the case. Contrary to its contemporary associations with sunshine and summer, the color yellow has a far darker history.

Yellow’s origins were lofty enough: Chinese emperors used the saffron plant to dye their robes and, later, the color was reserved for the daughters of European royal families as the dye only took to the finest of silks (peasants who tried to dye their cotton garments yellow only succeeded in turning them gray). Yet all that glitters is not gold and the hue’s reputation was sullied over time as the yellow robes said to be worn by Venus, the goddess of love, mutated into a discriminatory marker for maligned sex workers. Great artists of the medieval and Renaissance periods used yellow to portray sinister moments like betrayal – Judas often appeared shrouded in the color – terror, sickness, and the apocalypse, and, in its darkest days, yellow became a way to single out and ostracize Jewish people in Germany during WWII.

In the natural world, too, colors which sit beside yellow on the spectrum mix with it to create putrid shades that bring to mind acid, pus, poison, and toxic foods and flowers, causing revulsion and fear. Shakaila Forbes-Bell, fashion psychologist and founder of Fashion is Psychology, notes that it’s the color most associated with urgency and alertness. “Having a greater effect on attention compared to cooler colors like blue and grey, yellow has been proven to induce feelings of high arousal which activates the ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) in the brain, leading to increased heart rate, blood pressure, mobility and readiness to respond,” she explains. Think of the use of yellow in everything from road signs and horror films (Kill Bill, we’re looking at you) to graphic designer Harvey Ball’s 1963 smiley face, later adopted as the symbol of rave culture. What gets hearts beating faster than ecstasy and two-stepping?

For these reasons and more, we’ve long been told that yellow isn’t a flattering color to wear. So how did that all change? One word: Beyoncé. When she dropped her 2016 album Lemonade, she shook up more than just the music industry. In the video for “Hold Up”, rolling down a bustling sidewalk in a flurry of marigold ruffles, swinging a baseball bat with a huge grin on her face, she kickstarted an obsession with yellow that we’re still seeing the effects of today. “Yellow has always been one of my favorite colors,” Bea Åkerlund, Beyoncé’s stylist for the video, told Refinery29. “It’s bold, brings joy, and stands out from the crowd.” Of dressing the musician in the showstopping off-the-shoulder plissé gown designed by Roberto Cavalli’s creative director Peter Dundas, she said: “It took precedence over all other pieces of clothing in the shot; it represented everything I was trying to convey in one look and worked perfectly with the character’s narrative.” Åkerlund’s favorite yellow dress moment from history? “Belle from Beauty and the Beast.”

According to Natalie Kingham, fashion and buying director at Matches Fashion: “If you look back through fashion history, designers like Dior and Chanel in the ’50s included yellow in their collections and it was a popular color in the 1960s, after which it slightly fell out of favor.” Beyoncé’s Lemonade moment sparked yellow’s comeback tour, with notable women subsequently championing the color at high-profile events. “One of the main reasons people like or dislike a color is based on common associations,” Forbes-Bell says, “and yellow started to dominate pop culture from around five years ago when it was heavily embraced by powerful and popular figures. From Rihanna’s 2015 Guo Pei Met Gala dress to Beyoncé’s Balmain hoodie at Coachella in 2018 and, more recently, Michelle Obama’s 2019 diamond-encrusted Schiaparelli gown, we’ve continually seen yellow associated with popular and likable people, which has created a new experience around the color, causing us all to become more drawn to it.”

From Ashish to Chloé, the catwalks of spring ’17 – the fashion month that succeeded Lemonade’s release – were sizzling with dresses in sherbet lemon, canary, and mustard hues. Let’s not forget, however, some pinnacle Big Bird moments in fashion history. She may have reset the sartorial clock but Beyoncé wasn’t the first to inspire think pieces and a social media storm with her yellow dress. Anyone worth their fashion salt will remember the 2003 image of Kate Moss in New York, photographed on her way to an AnOther Magazine party in honor of Gwyneth Paltrow. “She had on something like a pale-yellow 1950s-style dress with a strapless bodice and a chiffon skirt just below the knee…a real lady dress,” the designer Bella Freud remembers in Angela Buttolph’s book, Kate Moss: Style. The dress caused so much fanfare that it became the inspiration for one of the sellout pieces of Moss’ hugely successful Topshop collaboration four years later. 

What about Kate Hudson’s turn as magazine journalist Andie Anderson in the 2003 film How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days? Her buttercup satin gown sealed the deal, making Matthew McConaughey’s Benjamin Barry fall in love with her. Ridiculous character names aside, the dress – liquid gold with a bum-skimming low back and criss-cross straps – created by costume designer Karen Patch, is as memorable as the film itself. Then there’s Michelle Williams’ yellow gown at the 2006 Oscars. “[It] was a pivotal moment,” Kingham muses, “as at that point it hadn’t really been on the radar as much as an evening wear color option.” The dress, a fluted and frilly saffron Vera Wang gown, “felt very modern and elegant and since then we’ve seen a lot more yellow on the catwalks, especially from designers such as Erdem, Emilia Wickstead, and Molly Goddard who have embraced the color.” 

Fast-forward to 2018 and hot on the heels of the omnipresent obsession with millennial pink – the soft blush hue used everywhere from fashion to beauty, interiors to lifestyle branding – came Gen Z yellow. While christening a color after an entire generation in the interests of marketing felt fairly nauseating, there was something refreshing in the fact that the shade’s popularity didn’t come from influencers, editors, and designers but rather from young creatives and the ‘grass roots’ of social media.

Writer Haley Nahman coined the term when she noticed a shift in palette across her usually bubblegum pink-hued Instagram feed. “Yellow is the color that best represents hope, optimism, and joy. It’s the universal symbol of sunshine and warmth,” Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Colour Institute, told Refinery29 at the time. “All of these characteristics make it a symbolic representation of what Gen Zers are looking for – a renewed hope for the future and the energy to engage in a purposeful way.” From celebrity fashion collaborations to photographers’ choice of lens, “visual culture really pushed yellow forward as an Instagram-friendly bright that young people feel comfortable wearing,” notes Jenny Clark, head of color at global trends forecaster WGSN. “The unflattering association has disappeared as more consumers understand which shades suit their skin tone.”

Now that our aversion to yellow has been replaced with a sunnier outlook, we continue to see a celebration of the color permeate our wardrobes. For Kingham, there were two standout moments at spring ’20: “Gabriela Hearst’s simple yellow wrap dress and Cecile Bahnsen’s organza babydoll dress.” Clark meanwhile champions the king of color, Sies Marjan: “The yellows in the collection were very rich and warm and made to feel extremely luxurious on satins and embossed crocodile. It was a very contemporary and directional use of yellow.” Besides the aforementioned JW Anderson coquettish mohair mini, our favorite piece has to be New York designer Mara Hoffman’s Violet dress, a banana-yellow organic cotton number featuring balloon sleeves and a knot across the bust. The piece – so easy, so simple – feels like the epitome of holiday dressing, so cruelly out of reach right now. As Eiseman says, a yellow dress is the perfect symbol of renewed hope – something that we’re all in need of, now more than ever. 

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

The Sunniest Yellow Dresses For Summer

Meghan Markle Solidifies The Green Dress Trend

The Potent Allure Of A Green Dress

Can Mystery Thrifting Save Fashion’s Waste Problem?

It’s no secret that fashion has a waste problem. Trends dominate the industry at all ends of the supply chain, pushing luxury labels and fast-fashion brands alike to create more and more collections each year. In turn, shoppers are pressured to keep up with the growing supply, to buy every trend that garners acclaim on the market, even if that means purchasing something that was mass-produced. A month later and the cycle begins again, the of-the-moment pieces we had to have just weeks ago now gathering dust in stock rooms — or worse, in landfills outside of the industry’s purview. 

While buying from eco-friendly brands can help lessen the fashion industry’s impact on the environment, the most sustainable way to shop is to buy clothes that already exist. Knowing this is what inspired Topper Luciani, a vet in the used and vintage fashion arena, to launch his Houston-based start-up Goodfair in 2018. 

Goodfair is, at its core, an online thrift shop, but, instead of buying one university track shirt here and one color block anorak there, the expert buyers at Goodfair source items from the waste stream — where discarded clothing resides before being disposed of in a landfill — and group them into “bundles.” Shoppers then choose which set fits their needs most, from the Save The Earth Bundle — which includes a tie-dye T-shirt, two windbreakers, two zip-up hoodies, three printed T-shirts, and two flannels — to the Seasons Bundle — which, as the name suggests, is a seasonal set of wardrobe essentials ranging from a chambray shirt for spring to a heavy coat for winter. No two boxes are the same, and prices start at $35.

It’s “mystery shopping,” Luciani says, and it’s existed on a small scale on sites like eBay, Poshmark, and Etsy for quite some time now. It never caught on, though, likely because of how consumed we’ve been with trends. But according to Luciani, as Gen Z’s buying power, which amounts to roughly $143 billion, grows, so, too, does the need for more sustainable and conscious modes of shopping. In his experience, the influential youngest generation is more focused on being conscious than they are about being on-trend. And he’s not alone. According to a 2019 study by Forbes, 62% of Gen Zers prefer to buy sustainably. 

That, in no way, means that Goodfair’s selection doesn’t offer the items we’re looking for in real-time. Given that trends are notoriously cyclical, it’s not surprising that you can still find on-trend pieces. In fact, rather than buying an ‘80s-inspired crewneck or a pair of ‘70s-esque jeans courtesy of a fast-fashion store, thanks to Goodfair, customers can buy an authentic piece from the era and be more sustainable as a result.

“The whole mission and ethos around everything that we’re doing is that we want to be just one small place that doesn’t have to make more stuff,” Luciani says. “There’s already enough stuff out there, and if we can shift consumer behavior and mindsets even a little bit — if we can just be one small shift for a lot of people — we could make a really big change.” 

By filling his inventory with items that already exist, Luciani is building out a subset of the fashion industry where there is no waste. “Even if we can inspire other businesses to be selling secondhand, I’m down for that,” he says. The company is even opening itself up to partnerships with curated secondhand shops on Etsy and Depop. “In reality, anyone who’s selling secondhand is better than someone who’s making something, even if they’re technically competition.”

For Luciani and his team, shifting consumer habits away from what’s new and trendy and toward what’s already been produced has always been the goal. “I started this because I’m really into thrifting: I love the treasure hunt, I love going to thrift stores, and I love the culture of thrift stores.” But the best part about his favorite pastime? “Nothing at all has to be made. Inherently, everything thrifted already exists.” 

Help Goodfair solve fashion’s waste problem by shopping the company’s current selection of mystery bundles, below. 

At Refinery29, we’re here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. If you buy something we link to on our site, Refinery29 may earn commission.

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

An Evergreen List Of Our Fave Sustainable Brands

Your Online Thrifting Questions, Answered

These Gifts Are Both Sustainable & Perfect For Mom

16 Summer Matching Sets That Don’t Look Like Pajamas

Since shelter-in-place orders, matching sets have come out as one of fashion’s biggest trends. From tie-dye two-pieces to athletic-inspired styles, matching sweatsuits have seen a spike in sales; according to Moda Operandi’s recent runway report, the e-tailer’s seen a 75% increase in clients buying full sets, over separates, since March. It makes sense: Sets are comfortable, they take the guesswork out of putting a look together, and they look more stylish than sweats alone.

And while co-ords aren’t going away anytime soon, with the arrival of Memorial Day (and its accompanying sales), our eyes and wallets have turned toward their summer counterparts. Made in light fabrics like linen, sleeveless silhouettes, and cheery prints, these summer matching sets are a far cry from the pajama-like styles that have dominated the last two months. As lockdown restrictions continue to ease, and temperatures continue to rise, these more structured pieces are perfect for transitioning our wardrobes into more summer-ready, yet still effortless, territory. While we may not be yet ready to think about putting whole outfits together — nor have the need to — a matching set provides a one-and-done solution to dressing, allowing its wearer to look polished in minutes (if only to jump on a Zoom call).

Ahead, 16 matching sets — in pant, skirt, and short styles — that are as easy and summer-appropriate as they are stylish for wearing inside and out. 

At Refinery29, we’re here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. If you buy something we link to on our site, Refinery29 may earn commission.

Staud Tango Tee, $, available at Staud

Staud Bruco Pant, $, available at Staud

Beauticurve X Lane Bryant Beauticurve Linen Wide Leg Pant, $, available at Lane Bryant

Beauticurve X Lane Bryant Beauticurve Crossover Poplin Top, $, available at Lane Bryant

H&M One-shoulder Flounced Bodysuit, $, available at H&M

H&M Bermuda Shorts, $, available at H&M

Adam Selman Raglan Crop Top, $, available at 11 Honore

Adam Selman Tube Skirt, $, available at 11 Honore

Free People Everything Set, $, available at Free People

Mango Flowy printed blouse, $, available at Mango

Mango Belt culottes trousers, $, available at Mango

Babaton Cropped puff-sleeve blouse, $, available at Aritzia

Babaton High-rise pleated trousers, $, available at Aritzia

Nooworks Mock Neck A-OK, $, available at Nooworks

Nooworks Jogger A-OK, $, available at Nooworks

Zara Poplin Peplum Top, $, available at Zara

Zara Wide Leg Poplin Pants, $, available at Zara

Mara Hoffman Extended ava top, $, available at Mara Hoffman

Mara Hoffman Extended liv pant, $, available at Mara Hoffman

Abercrombie & Fitch Crinkle Cotton-Blend Button-Up Shirt, $, available at Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie & Fitch Keepsake Ruffle Hem Midi Skirt, $, available at Abercrombie & Fitch

& Other Stories Cropped Lyocell Tank Top, $, available at & Other Stories

& Other Stories Wide Lyocell Blend Trousers, $, available at & Other Stories

Rebecca Taylor Indigo Ikat Linen Top, $, available at Rebecca Taylor

Rebecca Taylor Indigo Ikat Linen Skirt, $, available at Rebecca Taylor

Sister Jane DREAM Round Up Tie Back Top, $, available at Sister Jane

Sister Jane DREAM Round Up Scallop Peg Trousers, $, available at Sister Jane

Farm Rio banana pitta blouse, $, available at Farm Rio

Farm Rio banana pitta midi skirt, $, available at

The Range Vital Rib Hardware Tank, $, available at Revolve

The Range Vital Rib Jogger, $, available at Revolve

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

Matching Sets To Simplify Your Outfit Planning

How To Get The Perfect Tie-Dye Every Time

8 Ways To Play Fashion Designer At Home

The Comfiest T-Shirt Bras With Hundreds Of 4-Star Reviews

Summer and its promise of less clothing coverage is fast approaching. This is certainly exciting for our sun-deprived extremities, but it’s not the best news for a particular undergarment that’s often worn well past its prime: our bras. Soon we will no longer be able to hide our timeworn unmentionables under layers of Heatech, turtlenecks, and sweaters — all while ignoring the plain fact that they’re just not giving us the coverage and support we need anymore. Ladies, it's time to buy a t-shirt bra.

It's the perfect summer underpinning that keeps everything in place while simultaneously ensuring that nothing looks out of place. The ideal version of this bra has minimal-to-no-hardware or frippery for thin fabric to catch on, shows no trace of itself underneath clothing, and, like the t-shirt, it’s comfy-casual. We know that there are about eighty million different types of boobs out there — our friends at ThirdLove offer a whopping 78 sizes for all these ta-tas, and show no signs of stopping — so we’ve done our homework to suss out the best of this style for many a breast type. (Nursing moms: we didn’t forget you.)

Ahead, t-shirt bras that have the internet saying hallelujah — and will take you and your boobs through the rest of summer covered, supported, and comfy (without a trace).

Welcome to Hype Machine, our hit-list of the top reviewed products across the web — according to a crowd of die-hard shoppers. Call this your 4-star & up only club, with entry granted by our devoted-to-the-goods shop editors.

At Refinery29, we’re here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. If you buy something we link to on our site, Refinery29 may earn commission.

Lively The T-Shirt Bra

The key to this bra's success is its adaptability. The front-adjusting straps make finding your perfect fit easy while the back J-hook allows for you to convert it into a racerback style as needed. Warning: once you arrange Lively's T-Shirt bra (32A - 36DDD) exactly how you want it, you may never take it off again.

The Hype: 4.2 out of 5 stars; 293 reviews on WearLively.com

What They're Saying: "I absolutely love this bra. It's comfortable and hasn't stretched out funny after wearing it for several months. It fits perfectly, stays in place and I love the shape it gives me. I also like the clasp in the back to help hide straps under certain cuts of shirt backs and extra support. I would highly recommend this bra." - Katie-Lyn B., WearLively.com review

Lively The T-Shirt Bra, $, available at Lively

Maidenform Comfy Soft Full Coverage Underwire Bra

Considering this t-shirt bra's ultra-soft fabric and supportive cups to give you a little lift right where you need it, it's no surprise that you'll find the term "go-to" popping up across its glowing reviews. Part of Maidenform's Comfort Devotion® collection — which is literally a collection devoted entirely to bringing you and your girls comfort — this full-coverage underwire bra (34B - 42DD) is something you'll actually want to wear on the daily.

The Hype: 4.3 out of 5 stars; 582 reviews on Maidenform.com

What They're Saying: "This is my new 'go-to' bra; it fits well, the lining is SO soft, and it looks great (i.e., invisible!) under my clothes. It is softer than, and every bit as comfortable and attractive as, a bra I've purchased at a high-end department store, but costs about half the price." - JMixx, Maidenform.com review

Maidenform Comfy Soft Full Coverage Underwire Bra, $, available at Maidenform

Bali Comfort Revolution Seamless Shaping Wireless Bra

The best feature of Bali's Wireless Bra (S - XL) is its targeted support with knit-in zones and 4-way stretch fabric. Extra points for the foam cups to add shape and the lightweight material to keep you cool and dry in that summer sun.

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 1,331 reviews on Macys.com

What They're Saying: "This is just a perfect and comfortable bra. The fabric is of high quality and feels so soft and silky against the skin. It provides full coverage and has nice light lift pads to give you a natural lift. The bra gives great support without any binding wires. The straps feel soft against the skin. I really like how it smooths out the back and sides of your body so you can wear this bra under a t-shirt without showing any bulges. This bra not only gives you great support but you will feel confident and comfortable while wearing this bra. I highly recommend it!" - Hendrika, Macys.com review

Bali Comfort Revolution ComfortFlex Fit Seamless Shaping Wireless Bra 3488, $, available at Macy's

Natori Pure Luxe Underwire T-Shirt Bra

Multiple customers cited perfect fit, top-notch comfort, and luxurious feel in this fanatically-reviewed Natori Pure Luxe t-shirt bra. More than one reviewer declared the slightly-higher price more than worth it, so spectacular is this unlined bra's quality and fabrication.

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 835 reviews on Nordstrom.com

What They're Saying: "[Natori's] new ‘Pure Luxe’ fabric is luxurious and super comfortable. The quality of this bra is top-notch and with proper care will maintain it’s shape, elasticity, and last for years. This bra style looks fabulous under all fabrics, not just cotton tees, but knitted sweater fabrics, nylon fabrics, and linens." - Nantucket90, Nordstrom.com review

Natori Pure Luxe Underwire T-Shirt Bra, $, available at Nordstrom

Spanx Bra-llelujah! Full Coverage Bra

Many an evangelical customer was thrilled to report that Spanx's Full Coverage Underwire Bra (32B - 38DD) smoothed lady lumps and lifted the girls in a physics-defying way. We expect nothing less from the original conquerors of VPL.

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 194 reviews on Nordstrom.com

What They're Saying: "I now own two of these as they are truly the best. The soft stretchy back and straps make for a total lack of lumpy back fat under smooth shirts. I am totally spoiled by this bra now and can't handle any others. ... Just enough oomph to make my 35-year-old (and breastfed two babies) boobs look awesome." - Tessa248, Nordstrom.com review

SPANX Bra-llelujah! Full Coverage Underwire Bra: 32B - 38DD, $, available at Nordstrom

ThirdLove 24/7™ Lace Back T-Shirt Bra

The t-shirt bra doesn't have to be un-sexy. With lacy accents dancing down the straps. ThirdLove's universally praised, lightly lined Lace Back T-Shirt Bra (30A - 48I) has all the trappings of fancy lingerie with the smoothness and support of an everyday style. If you still want a little va-va-voom in your day-to-day wardrobe, this is the bra for you.

The Hype: 4.7 out of 5 stars; 2,143 reviews on ThirdLove.com

What They're Saying: "This bra has the prettiest lacy design that makes feeling sexy in it an absolute. The perfect fit and soft fabric are not lost to the sexy design. I bought it in black and skin tone." - Lori, ThirdLove.com review

ThirdLove 24/7 Lace Back T-Shirt Bra, $, available at ThirdLove

Warner's Cloud 9 Wire-Free Contour Bra

For those of us that require as little hardware as possible, Warner's Cloud 9 wire-free bra (34A - 40C) offers anchoring, contoured support with nary a trace of metal. And never fear — as evidenced by the review, the support is very much still there.

The Hype: 4.4 out of 5 stars; 1,268 reviews on Amazon.com

What They're Saying: "I was nervous that no underwire would make the ladies look like flattened pancakes, but this bra makes me look incredible." - Kathryn Florence, Amazon.com reviewer

Warner's Warner's Womens Cloud 9 Wire-Free Contour Bra, $, available at Amazon

Bravado Designs Body Silk Wire-Free Nursing Bra

There's a good chance that if you're nursing, you may actually be living in t-shirts these days. Bravado's nursing bra (XS - XXL) got high marks for support and functionality in a wide range of sizes, and it comes with removable inserts for nip protection.

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 46 reviews on BareNecessities.com

What They're Saying: "I bought one of these before my baby came, and ended up buying 2 more — this is the only bra I wore the entire year I nursed. Now that we're done nursing I'm trying to find a non-nursing bra that is just like this one, minus the wider straps and clip-down cups." - Aldia, BareNecessities.com review

Bravado! Body Silk Wire-Free Nursing Bra, $, available at Bare Necessities

Aerie Real Sunnie Full Coverage Lightly Lined Bra

Aerie's lightly lined Real Sunnie Bra (30A - 40DD) is one of the highest-rated bras out there, with extra high marks for its outstanding support, comfort, and coverage. Normally priced at a (still-reasonable) $44, it's on sale right now for $27, which is about the best deal in town for such a functional, hard-working boulder-holder.

The Hype: 4.7 out of 5 stars; 312 reviews on Aerie.com

What They're Saying: "I cannot imagine a better bra than this one! I had been wearing a bra one cup too small for the past year and it was such a relief to get a bra fitting into this one. Incredibly comfy and soft... I even love the sparkly straps. It's the perfect touch!" - Stefani, Aerie.com review

Aerie Real Sunnie Full Coverage Lightly Lined Bra, $, available at American Eagle Outfitters

Wacoal Underwire Contour Bra

With over 1,000 reviews, this plus-size Wacoal bra (30D - 40DDD) got high marks for simplicity and support, especially from bustier customers. Our takeaway? This breathable padded bra is going to stay put no matter what the day serves up.

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 1,227 reviews on Nordstrom.com

What They're Saying: "My daughter recommended this to me as being very comfortable, as we are both large-breasted. She was right. It's pretty basic-looking and supportive. I don't notice that I'm wearing it, so that's great, too!" - LifeCoachShari, Nordstrom.com review

Wacoal Underwire Contour Bra, $, available at Nordstrom

Hanes Convertible Seamless Wire Free Bra

We read that Marilyn Monroe would wear a bra to bed, presumably to lessen the effects of gravity and help keep the girls aloft. While the jury is kinda out on whether or not this is actually effective, if it is your personal choice, we're here to make sure you have the best bra for it. Hanes’s unlined Convertible Seamless Bra (XS - XL) gets accolades for both daytime wear and pajama-friendliness.

The Hype: 4.2 out of 5 stars; 3,082 reviews on Amazon.com

What They're Saying: "This fabric is stretchy and soft and comfortable and fit me wonderfully and I love it so much. ... I could even sleep in it, which is crazy because sleeping in all my old underwire bras always felt like punishment for my boobs. I'm gonna buy a million of these and throw all my other bras out." - Lauren, Amazon.com review

Hanes Convertible Seamless Wire Free Bra, $, available at Amazon
The Best For V-Necks

Just because you're wearing a t-shirt doesn't mean you can't have a little cleavage, right? Maidenform’s plunging, padded Lift Demi Bra is your best best for the more revealing tees in your collection.

The Hype: 4.4 out of 5 stars, 423 reviews on Macys.com

What They're Saying: “A perfect fit for 15 years! I bought my first Custom Lift bra back when I was an A cup. Fifteen years and two cup sizes later, I just placed an order for eight of them. No other bra I've tried fits like these. They are invisible under clothes -- even tops with very deep v- or scoop-necks -- and are so comfortable that I usually forget to take them off at night and end up sleeping in them." - brasserie, Macys.com review

Maidenform Custom Lift Satin Demi Bra, $, available at Macy's

Fruit of the Loom 2-Pack Unlined Underwire Bra

For some bra-wearers, the presence of any padding is a major no-no. Fruit of the Loom’s unlined cotton style (34B - 42DD) got rave reviews from folks in hotter climates that require breathability from their undergarments. The super-low price point means that you should keep a couple of these in the rotation, but the comfort and coolness can’t be beaten.

The Hype: 4.3 out of 5 stars; 2.379 reviews on Amazon.com

What They’re Saying: “It's a ridiculously humid August in Honolulu, and anyone wearing a foam bra must be carrying an air-conditioner on their shoulder like a boom box. These cotton bras are really comfortable, even if they get as soaked as my polos and tees. It's what cotton is good at sopping it up. But these also provide support for a C-cup while I walk, fast, about 5-6 kilometers per work shift. This seems hard to believe without them being heavily engineered, but the underwire seems to do the trick.”

Fruit Of The Loom Unlined Underwire Bra, $, available at Amazon

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

Comfortable Bras To Wear While Working From Home

This Is The Underwear You Should Be Wearing

The Best Padded Sports Bras For Your Workout

A Deep Dive On Every Single Allbirds Shoe

By now, you’ve probably heard of Allbirds. The tech-adjacent sneaker company launched in 2016 following a successful Kickstarter campaign, and after an early viral invasion of Silicon Valley, they spread nationwide, and now have stores in global cities like New York, London, and Chicago. You may remember the internet uproar in February when Barack Obama wore the wooly tennis shoes to a college basketball game, or read about the brand’s receipt of an undisclosed investment from Leo. (You know: Leo.) But all of the hype seems to be well-founded — not only do the shoes feel like “walking on clouds,” according to one reviewer, they’re also made from a host of eco-friendly materials rarely found in footwear, like moisture-wicking merino wool, Tencel, and sugarcane. Allbirds is also a certified B corp, which means they’ve received a third-party designation acknowledging a high level of commitment to social good. (Did we mention that they shoes are machine-washable?)

Knowing all of this, and after reading many customer accounts of their near-otherworldly comfort and breathability, we’re ready to hop on the bandwagon. Plus, we’re about to enter walking and sweating season, so summer seems like a better time than ever to pull the trigger on a pair or two. But since almost every style on their website has near-flawless ratings and effusive customer praise, the purchasing decision is turning out to be a tough one. Do we want a lightweight slipper for wearing around the house for running errands, or the brand’s classic breathable wool running shoe for low-impact exercise? To answer this question, we decided to go deep. We boned up on all of the product information and combed all the reviews to determine the pros and cons of every Allbirds style, so that we can all make an informed decision about which of the tech-y kicks to add to our summer rotations.

At Refinery29, we’re here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. If you buy something we link to on our site, Refinery29 may earn commission.

Wool Runners

Our Analysis:
Allbirds launched with the Runner in 2016. The most athletically styled of all the ... birds, they have a larger arch and heel-to-toe drop, and are best for low-impact exercise, like short jogs or easy hiking. The wool version — while it seems breathable enough to wear year-round — is better suited for cooler times of year.

What The Reviewers Are Saying:
“I purchased Allbirds wool runners in time for an upcoming trip with no break in time. I tromped all over London and the Cotswolds, 14 miles a day with not a single blister or foot pain. These shoes walked me through mud, rainy wet grass , and all kinds of tube/underground dirt. When we got home I threw them in the washer and they came out perfectly clean and bright. These shoes really live up to the price and hype!” — Holly L.

Allbirds Women's Wool Runners, $, available at Allbirds

Wool Loungers

Our Analysis:
New Zealand famously has more sheep than people, and the country specializes in the export of merino wool, a super-fine material that’s “breathable, temperature-regulating, and moisture-wicking,” according to the brand’s wesbite, “all without that irritating scratchiness.” Customers attest to this on Allbirds’ website, professing their devotion to the material and tallying many pairs they’ve accumulated (for themselves and others). The Lounge style can go from outdoors to indoors, and even into bed, according to one customer.

What The Reviewers Are Saying:
“This is my 4th pair of Allbirds in about a year. I was skeptical at first bc I have wide feet, but they stretch like a glove and fit beautifully. I love both styles of the wool shoes. (I’ve even slept in them when my feet were chilly.) I also bought the wool runners for my husband, and my daughter-in-law and they love them too. My Allbirds have now traveled the country with me and Western Europe as well. LOVE these shoes.” — Vicki H.

Allbirds Women's Wool Loungers, $, available at Allbirds

Tree Runners

Our Analysis:
A summer-weight revision of the brand’s classic Runner, these sneaks are a lighter-weight alternative to the more insulating wool. (The “tree” fabric also uses 95% less water than cotton, and Allbirds sources their eucalyptus-fiber Tencel from a South African provider that relies on rainfall, not irrigation.) We recommend these for height-of-summer outdoor activity to keep your tootsies as cool as possible.

What The Reviewers Are Saying:
“Brought on vacation at Disney with friends and walked several miles the couple of days we were there and they were excellent. No break in period and just perfection. Great for daily use as well. I have gotten so many compliments! Great brand mission too!” — Taylor H.

Allbirds Women's Tree Runners, $, available at Allbirds

Tree Toppers

Our Analysis:
Allbirds’ nod to the classic high-top style, the Tree Toppers are for those who like the look of a retro basketball shoe. These are also available in lightweight Tencel, making them a hip and comfortable option for summer.

What The Reviewers Are Saying:
“I bought these because I needed new shoes that looked cool but could also handle my walking commute. I ended up taking them with me to Coachella this year (50,000 steps in one weekend), and they were perfect. They protected my feet and were comfortable all weekend. I went home, washed them, and they’re good as new. I’m very happy with my purchase.” — Katy C.

Allbirds Women's Tree Toppers, $, available at Allbirds

Tree Loungers

Our Analysis:
This slip-on style is the lowest-commitment of all the super-comfy Allbirds offerings, requiring very little from the wearer other than the ability to slide a foot in and out of them. While the shoe itself is made from eucalyptus fiber, it’s still lined with the brand’s signature merino wool, for maximum softness and odor reduction. We recommend this option for the lowest-impact, inside-to-outside wear.

What The Reviewers Are Saying:
“I am preparing for a double hip replacement and I bought these (slip on) shoes to wear post operatively. I LOVE them. There is no ‘breaking in’ period. They feel as though they were made for my feet. I look forward to purchasing more, in other styles.” — Heather B.

Allbirds Women's Tree Loungers, $, available at Allbirds

Tree Skippers

Our Analysis:
A feminine, minimal low-top for fans of the vintage “ladies” sneaker. Rendered from the same lightweight, breathable eucalyptus tree fiber as the other styles in the “tree” family, the main distinction here is stylistic — if you’re looking for a summery little sneaker that going to look amazing with slightly cropped pants or rolled jeans, the Skippers are a good choice.

What The Reviewers Are Saying:
“Believe it. I’ll be wearing these all summer. I have hot, sweaty feet and the tree skippers keep them cool and aired out. I love the stretch and that they do not pinch or rub anywhere. The merino wool lining is soft, yet supportive enough. Best of all, I do not need socks! This will be the only shoes you need to pack this summer. Too bad the red is now sold out because I want another pair.” — Jocelyn V.

Allbirds Women's Tree Skippers, $, available at Allbirds

Tree Breezers

Our Analysis:
The brand’s Tree Breezers are among the most popular styles, and sold out within a week of originally launching. Since then, Allbirds has released a ton of new, limited-edition hues of the eco-friendly, hyper-comfy flat, and be warned — you might want them all.

What The Reviewers Are Saying:
"I LOVE these shoes. Every day for the last year or so I’ve been wearing my tree runner allbirds to commute - walking a mile+ in NYC! When I got a new job that required more formal attire, I was so sad to change my commute shoes. And then these came out - I now wear them every single day (and don’t even change out of them when I get to the office!). I love them and tell everyone I love them. Thank you, thank you." — Sarah W.

Allbirds Women's Tree Breezers, $, available at Allbirds

Tree Dashers

Our Analysis:
Allbirds' take on the running shoe is exceptionally lightweight, yet offers excellent support, stability, and comfort thanks to the sugarcane-based foam sole. During quarantine, we tested it during socially-distanced walks and by doing a variety of at-home cardio workouts like jacks, high kicks, and more.

What The Reviewers Are Saying:
"Initially, I wasn’t sure about ordering shoes online—as a former dancer, I need to try shoes on to be sure they are wide enough in the toe box. I tried on a pair belonging to a friend, and used that as a guide for fit. These shoes are not only for running, they are lightweight and comfortable as well. I can wear them all day, which is no small feat!" — Elizabeth C.

Allbirds Women's Tree Dashers in Geyser, $, available at Allbirds

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Everlane Dropped Its "Comfiest" Shoes Ever

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