Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor is about to add another notch to her belt this February as she'll be presented an award by the one and only Erin Brockovich (no not Julia Roberts who played her in the film, 'Erin Brockovich' but the real person!). As odd as it may sound Kareena Kapoor will be presented with an award for her contribution to art and cinema. Now why they're going to have world renowned environmental activist Erin Brockovich do the honors is beyond us! Exciting as it may be, seems a little out of place doesn't it? Erin Brockovich is reportedly rushing to Mumbai to present Kareena the award on time. Wow, who knew Erin even knew about Bollywood? But then again, the whole world is going Desi! Kareena Kapoor must be flying high after this news. Plus she's busy filming for her dream role in '3 Idiots' opposite Amir Khan. So maybe it's time for Kareena Kapoor to get noticed for her film roles, acting skills and awards rather than her love life with beau Saif Ali Khan! It seems like that's all anyone could talk about last year, but this year is a different story. It's been rumored that Kareena Kapoor is trying to keep her private life out of the media as she saw how much it hurt her career in 2008. Hmm... sounds like a smart choice to us! So what do you think about Kareena Kapoor receiving an award for her contribution to art and cinema? And what are your thoughts on Erin Brockovich presenting Kareena the award? Drop us a comment with your feelings on the matter!